Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Secret Handshake

I've had a few opportunities to talk with high school and college students with an interest in screenwriting, which I always enjoy. Without fail, one of the first questions always pertains to the classic industry Catch-22 -- you can't sell a script without an agent, but you can't get an agent unless you've sold.

Well, here's the dirty secret that established writers don't want you to know. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Diablo Cody visits me in my sleep and field dresses me like a 12-point buck for what I'm about to leak.

Your best chance is to employ a two-part system and work it in tandem.

1) Threaten an agent's family. Power only respects power, and in Hollywood there is no distinction between confidence and cockiness.

2) Purple Ink = Bidding War

Shshshsh. You didn't hear it from me.

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