Monday, July 27, 2009

Nice to know I wasn't being paranoid simply because I was certain Dick Cheney had designs on martial law.

Also, Mr. Greenwald gets points for consistency:

"All of this underscores why it is so important to vigorously oppose the efforts of the Obama administration (a) to continue many of the radical Bush/Cheney Terrorism programs and even to implement new ones (preventive detention, military commissions, extreme secrecy policies, warrantless surveillance, denial of habeas corpus) and (b) to endorse the core Orwellian premise that enables all of that (i.e., the "battlefield" is anywhere and everywhere; the battle against Terrorism is a "War" like the Civil War or World War II and justifies the same powers)."

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cabin Fever

Apparently this is what happens when you spend an entire winter in Minnesota.