Monday, February 25, 2008

I Really Don't Know Clouds

I can see both sides of the Diablo Cody/Juno debate.

The first 15 minutes were overwritten to the nth degree. But the rest had heart and personality to spare. I understand that Diablo has the greatest inherent gift for self-marketing since Spike Lee. And I feel very sorry for all the readers in Hollywood who are going to spend the next year getting slapped with Cody-esque quips like "that's one doodle that can't be undid."

But last night, she showed up with a tattoo that couldn't be missed, and a history of taking her clothes off in public. She made writers seem cool.


Christina said...

Juno is like literature, full of language that calls attention to itself and it works, like Tarantino's voice works. (That's who she reminds me of.) But yes, I do pity the underpaid, overworked readers who are going to get hit over the head by the Homeskillet dialect.

Dave said...

I totally agree. It does work for me, but I did have to get past the first few minutes.